2. Warfare

For those of you who know me, I usually don't say anything unless there's something to say.  This is something that really has been bothering me for some time, and doesn't seem to make any sense. Why, with all the advancements that we've made in all areas of our lives, do we still have warring nations?  Why are we still fighting two wars in lands most of us have never stepped foot on?  We of all nations should be holding ourselves accountable for our actions, and should be acting as a role model for all the rest of the world.

Warfare is not only barbaric, it's an abomination.  A handful of men send countless of their brethren to go out and end the lives of people they designate an enemy, who are typically just kids following the same commands from another small group of men.  Every one of those killed are not only human, but have hopes and dreams cut short, grieving families left unattended, and only leave behind bitter memories for those who cared about them.  And if that's not enough, civilians, those who are incapable of protecting themselves, are still being targeted the world over, as if killing them rids the people that rule over them.  They are murdered while going about their daily tasks, going to work, going to school, going to the market, even at home as they lay slumbering in their beds.  Their lives are no less real than yours or mine, and yet, for the sake of the few, they are killed.  And don't think that even today we are above this.  Just go back a few year to the cold war;  do you honestly think we would have had any hesitation about launching nuclear weapons at our enemies'  cities if one of ours were struck first.

You may say we're at war now because we're defending ourselves and the people living in the countries we're fighting.  This may be true, but we must remember that wars historically started by someone or some group of people wanting something that someone else had.  So they go and try to take whatever they want for themselves.  Lands, gold, resources, dreams, they all had a part to play in warfare.  It's amazing how childish humanity has been, and the fact that we've managed to survive this long.  In those cases, would it have killed us to try something much more radical than murdering our neighbors?  Sharing?  And if there is something we can't share,  couldn't we just play a game of football, and the winner takes home whatever it is we're fighting for?  By the way, does anyone even remember what we're fighting for today?

World peace isn't just a dream, it's a serious possibility if we just stop kidding ourselves.  We don't all have to love each other and hold hands, we don't even have to like each other.  We all are different. Each culture has their own uniqueness that often makes us incompatible and prone to dislike or even hatred.  But we have always tended to settle down around people most like us, those who share our ideology and compatibilities.  This is the basis of nationality and community.  Does it mean that we can't benefit from those people we can't stand, people from another city, another state, another nation? And vice versa?  I think it would be in everyone's best interest if we all stopped fighting like children in the school yard and actually try to cooperate like adults.  Just like any reconciliation process, all it takes is an understanding of the other people's situation, somehow finding a common ground everyone can work toward, and an environment that facilitates honesty, trust and cooperation.  If we give a little, they'll give a little back. 

And as far as the enemy of today, you may say they fall under a category of radicals, someone we cannot reason with.  That may be true, but they come from a region that is deeply torn from western interference, triggered by German's prosecution of the Jews, and compounded by the forming of Israel, which took the homeland from its native people.  At this point, hardly any of us remember what the world was like in that time, nor probably do any of the men fighting in the region today.  All that motivates them is a deep seated anger, passed down from their parents and grandparents, and a drive to be part of something bigger, something that gives their lives meaning. Where else can they find satisfaction other than joining the militaries that promise them food, shelter, protection and revenge?  Isn't it time to let that anger go?  So much time has passed that the disputed land in the region now is home to both Israelis and Palestinians alike. They need to find a way to share, or nobody should have it. 

And as far as us warring with nations to liberate the people, I say we let the people decide.  If the people aren't strong enough, and the leadership is subverting or harming its own, then the world needs to stand together as one and charge the leadership with crimes against humanity.  Instead of invading their homeland with legions of soldiers, we'd only need to send a small delegation to arrest the offending parties and try them on a world stage with their own people being the jurors.  If a government is truly guilty, then it's people won't stand in the way of justice, and even the military would be forced to step down if the whole world were against them.  No nation, not even us, would be able to stand up and fight if the rest of the world were truly united against them.  Imagine if there were no more wars between nations than there were wars between New York and North Carolina.  For those counting, that total would be one.

June 17, 2011